Alabama's Best
In Casino-Themed Entertainment!

Party Ideas?

Have you been tasked with organizing your company’s Christmas party? Maybe you’re looking for a fun idea to celebrate an upcoming birthday or have a fun activity at a family reunion. Naturally this article is going to tell you why having a casino party is the obvious answer and that Casino Knight is the solution you’re looking for. We promise this is a quick read and if you or your boss or staff are going to need convincing, these points will help.

The name of the game here is FUN. No one wants to throw a ‘party’ where everyone is sitting around on their phones all night, not engaging with one another and the evening just drags on and on. It would be more fun to hear and see everyone talking with one another and yelling and screaming (with joy, not pain) when they’re winning! Or if they lose it all to a co-worker or relative in poker! You want them to leave with a smile on their face and have something great to talk about when it’s over and asking, ‘OMG! When are we doing this again?!’

A casino-themed party checks all those boxes! Trivia night and charades do NOT.

Casino parties also build comradery. It’s everyone versus the house, so it builds a team atmosphere when everyone is trying to beat the dealer!

For those who have never stepped foot in a casino… NO PROBLEM! Many games are very simple and straight forward and the dealers will teach you how to play so you can join in.

And for those guests who say they don’t gamble (We don’t either!) & don’t want to play any casino games, we can promise you they’ll be drawn to watch the games in action and like a child dipping their toes in the water for the first time, they’ll eventually pull up a chair and try a hand… or 50!

Of course, you can always add some outdoor games to your event, too!

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